A woman and a young boy holding hands walk through an airport terminal, the boy pulling an orange suitcase. They appear to be conversing happily. Behind them, rows of unoccupied red chairs and a few seated passengers dot the distance, perhaps seeking the advice of Lancaster Immigration Lawyers.

DACA Lawyers

Did you or your child arrive in the U.S. without documentation and before your 16th birthday? Were you born after June 16, 1981, and have you resided in the U.S. since June 15, 2007, until now? If you are at least 15 years old, you may be eligible for a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) grant. Contact our dedicated DACA lawyers today for a free consultation about whether you meet the requirements for DACA, based on your specific situation.

DACA Lawyers | Representing Dreams Across Pennsylvania

Whether you need assistance obtaining a grant of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, DACA renewal, or the complexities of previous removal orders, deportations, arrests, and departures from the U.S., you can turn to us. Our Lancaster immigration lawyers realize that this area of the law is subject to change at any time, and we will strive to address your needs with up-to-the-moment legal solutions.

A Brief History of DACA

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was introduced by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in June 2012 under the Obama administration. Its purpose is to protect eligible immigrant youths who came to the United States when they were children from deportation. DACA provides these individuals with a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and makes them eligible for a work permit in the U.S.

Since its inception, DACA has faced various legal challenges and policy changes that have affected its implementation and the security it offers to its recipients. Despite these challenges, it remains a critical lifeline for many individuals, known as “Dreamers,” who consider the United States their home but do not have a formal legal status.

In recent years, there have been attempts to rescind DACA, leading to a series of legal battles that have ultimately preserved the program temporarily.

The current legal status of DACA and its future remains uncertain, as it depends on ongoing court decisions and potential legislative action by Congress. Our firm closely monitors these developments to provide our clients with the most current legal advice.

Our DACA Services

Our firm is committed to assisting DACA recipients and their families with a range of legal services designed to protect their rights and status in the United States:

  • Initial DACA Applications: Guidance through the initial application process, ensuring all eligibility criteria are met and documentation is accurately prepared.
  • DACA Renewals: Assistance with the renewal process to prevent lapses in protection and work authorization.
  • Advanced Parole Requests: Help with obtaining permission for DACA recipients to travel outside the United States for humanitarian, educational, or employment purposes.
  • Addressing Denials and Appeals: Support in cases where DACA applications or renewals are denied, including filing appeals and motions to reopen or reconsider.
  • Legal Counseling on Rights and Options: Comprehensive legal advice on the rights of DACA recipients, including eligibility for other forms of relief or paths to legal status.
  • Representation in Immigration Court: Skilled representation for DACA recipients facing removal proceedings or other immigration-related legal challenges.
  • Assistance with Social Security Numbers and Driver’s Licenses: Guidance on applying for a Social Security Number and driver’s license, where eligible.

Contact Our Pennsylvania DACA Lawyers Today

Don’t face any DACA-related issues on your own. Contact a team of skilled DACA lawyers who can effectively represent you at every turn. Here at Lupton Law LLC, we’re dedicated to protecting your right to live here in the United States.

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