A person draped in an American flag stands among a crowd of people, many wearing pink hats. The image is from behind, capturing the group from the back. The background is blurred, emphasizing the figure with the flag. The scene appears to be an outdoor gathering.


Here at Lupton Law, we understand that regardless of the immigration matter at hand, you likely have several questions. To get quick answers to some of the most commonly asked immigration questions, read our Immigration Law FAQ below.


Q: How much does an initial consultation cost?
A: The initial consultation with Seth is free of charge.

Q: What languages besides English are spoken at Lupton Law LLC?
A: We currently have staff members who speak Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, French, Russian, and Farsi.

Q: Can I meet with the lawyer remotely?
A: We will schedule meetings in the form that is most convenient for you, whether by telephone, video call, or in person at our West Chester or Philadelphia office locations.

Q: How can I make payments to Lupton Law LLC?
A: Our convenient online payment system allows you to pay electronically. Otherwise, we accept cash, checks, or money orders made out to “Lupton Law LLC.”

Q: What is the 7-year rule for immigrants?
A: The 7-year rule applies to immigrants seeking to adjust their status to lawful permanent residents after entering the US illegally. If you have been in the US illegally for more than 1 year, you will generally be barred from adjusting your status unless you qualify for an exception, such as having a spouse or parent who is a US citizen. If you have been in the US illegally for more than 7 years, obtaining certain waivers or forms of relief may be more difficult. The 7-year rule restricts undocumented immigrants from adjusting their status to lawful permanent residents if they’ve overstayed or entered illegally.

Exceptions such as immediate family members being US citizens or permanent residents may apply.

For those who’ve been in the US illegally for over seven years, obtaining waivers or relief becomes more challenging.

Consult an immigration attorney to understand the 7-year rule and your options for adjusting your status.

Q: When can I apply for citizenship?
A: While most people must wait five years after getting their green card to apply for naturalized U.S. citizenship, important exceptions are available. Call us to schedule a free consultation with our attorneys to learn what you must do in your case.

Q: When should I apply for Asylum?
A: Under U.S. law, you are expected to apply for asylum within one year of your last U.S. entry within a reasonable time after an expired status, which generally translates to <6 months. Unfortunately, if you have missed this deadline, you must also prove that there was a good reason for your late application for asylum to go forward. Call us to schedule a free consultation with our attorney to see how we can help you make a strong asylum case, even if you have missed the deadline.

Q: How Long Will It Take To Get A Green Card Through Marriage?
A: It can take between 10 and 38 months or longer to get a green card through marriage. However, every case is different – depending on whether you’re married to a U.S. citizen or a green card holder. Call us to schedule a free consultation with our attorney to learn more about your options.

Q: Can I apply for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) while in removal proceedings or after applying for asylum?
A: Yes, as long as you do not have criminal convictions, that would make you ineligible for TPS, and as long as you have been in the United States since the “designation date” for your home country. A TPS application will not affect any other status that you hold, and it will not affect your asylum application. TPS designation may offer extra protection if your other applications are delayed or denied. TPS also provides a pathway to a temporary work permit. Call our office to schedule a free consultation with our attorney to learn whether you are eligible for TPS for your specific country of origin.

Q: What happens if I am placed in removal proceedings?
A: If you are placed in removal proceedings, you will be given a Notice To Appear with a hearing date to appear before an Immigration Judge. You MUST keep that appointment and show up at Immigration Court on that day and time, or the Judge may remove you in your absence. What happens at your immigration court hearing will depend on the specific details of your case. You are allowed to be represented by an attorney at any immigration hearing. If you have an immigration hearing date, call our office immediately to schedule a FREE consultation with our attorney to learn whether you are eligible for any relief from removal.

Contact Our Pennsylvania Immigration Lawyers

If you have further questions or would like assistance with your immigration case, please don’t hesitate to contact our seasoned immigration lawyers today.

Locations in Lancaster, West Chester, Philadelphia, Georgetown, DE, and Selma, NC

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